Edge Field Mappings
The field level data requirements and the mapping of ebs fields in each view for Edge integration are described in the following:
Where more than one field is listed, it is the first one in the list that is populated, unless otherwise stated.

The field mappings for the Applications view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping | Engage field label |
Applications | smsApplicationId | people_units.id | - |
raisedDateTime | people_units.progress_date | Application > Start Date | |
status | progress_types.description | Application > Status 1 | |
entryPointDate | unit_instance_occurrences.fes_start_date | - | |
applyRoute | Null | - | |
applicantCategory | Null | - | |
applicantCategory | Null | - | |
outcome | progress_codes.fes_long_description, progress_codes.fes_short_description | Application > Status 2 | |
ApplicationCourseLink | people_units.id | - | |
ApplicationOffersLink | people_units.id | - | |
ApplicationEventLink | people_units.id | - | |
furtherActions | Null | - | |
ApplicationLinkLink | people_units.id | - | |
ApplicationCourse | ApplicationCourseLink | people_units.id | - |
smsCourseId | unit_instances.ui_id, unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | Application > Application Sub Title | |
externalCourseID | Null | - | |
preferenceNumber | Null | - | |
isPackage | Null | - | |
name | unit_instances.fes_short_description | Application > Application Title | |
description | unit_instance_occurrences.long_description, unit_instances.fes_long_description | - | |
topic | topics.fes_long_description, topics.fes_short_description, unit_instances.topic_topic_code | - | |
duration | calendar_occurrences.start_date, calendar_occurrences.end_date (calculation based on the difference between the date in years) | Course > Duration | |
qualificationName | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, unit_instances.fes_qualification_type | Course > Course Description | |
requirements | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, requirements.status_code, requirements.requirement_code | Course > Entity Requirements | |
ApplicationCourseDetailsLink | 0 | - | |
ApplicationCourseLocationLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - | |
ApplicationCourseFeesLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - | |
ApplicationCourseDetails | ApplicationCourseDetailsLink | 0 | - |
feature | 'Applications' | - | |
displayLabel | 'Course Details' | Course > Course Details | |
URL | web_config parameter value WHERE parameter = 'ONTRACK_LEARNER_URL' | Course > Course Details Link | |
ApplicationCourseLocation | ApplicationCourseLocationLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - |
smsStudyLocationId | locations.location_code | - | |
campusName | locations.fes_short_description | Application > Campus | |
description | locations.fes_long_description | - | |
addressLine1 | locations.address_line_1 | - | |
addressLine2 | locations.address_line_2 | - | |
addressLine3 | locations.address_line_3 | - | |
addressLine4 | locations.town | - | |
addressLine5 | locations.region | - | |
postCode | locations.uk_post_code_pt1,and locations.uk_post_code_pt2 | - | |
latitude | Null | - | |
longitude | Null | - | |
ApplicationCourseFees | ApplicationCourseFeesLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - |
smsFeesId | fee_values.fee_value_number | - | |
code | fee_values.fee_type_code | - | |
description | fee_types.fes_long, fee_types.fes_short_description | Course > Description | |
value | fee_values.amount_payable | Course > Fee | |
dueDateTime | Null | - | |
ApplicationOffers | ApplicationOffersLink | offers.people_units_id | - |
smsOfferId | offers.offer_number | - | |
offerType | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description for offers.offer_type | Application > Offer Type | |
status | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description for offers.offer_status | - | |
details | offers.comments | - | |
expiryDateTime | Null | - | |
conditions | Null | - | |
ApplicationLink | ApplicationLinkLink | people_units.id | - |
feature | 'Application Details' | - | |
displayLabel | 'My Application' | - | |
linkType | 'dynamicEdge' | - | |
resourceType | 'ONTRACK_LEARNER_URL' | - | |
ApplicationLinkParametersLink | people_units.id | - | |
ApplicationEvent | ApplicationEventLink | people_units.id | - |
eventType | 'Interview' | Application > Event (interview) | |
smsEventId | register_events.id | - | |
dateTime | register_event_slots.starttime | Application > Date and time | |
EventStaffLink | register_events.id | - | |
EventRequirementsLink | register_events.id | - | |
EventSupportNeedsLink | 0 | - | |
EventLocationLink | register_events.id | - | |
ApplicationEventStaffLink | EventStaffLink | register_event_details.register_event_id | - |
smsPersonIdentifier | external_identifiers.external_id | - | |
title | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, verifiers.low_value for 'Default event type interview' institution setting | - | |
forename | people.forename | - | |
surname | people.surname | Course > Initial Display | |
ApplicationEventRequirements | EventRequirementsLink | register_event_details.register_event_id | - |
smsRequirementsId | requirements.requirement_number | - | |
description | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, verifiers.low_value for requirements.requirement_code | - | |
ApplicationEventSupportNeedRequirements | EventSupportNeedsLink | 0 | - |
smsSupportNeedsId | disabilities.id | - | |
description | disabilities.fes_long_description, disabilities.fes_short_description | - | |
ApplicationEventLocationLink | EventLocationLink | register_event_details.register_event_id | Course > Location Button |
smsRoomId | rooms.id | - | |
room | rooms.long_description, rooms.short_description, rooms.room_code | - | |
smsStudyLocationId | locations.location_code | - | |
campusName | locations.fes_short_description | - | |
description | locations.fes_long_description | - | |
addressLine1 | locations.address_line_1 | - | |
addressLine2 | locations.address_line_2 | - | |
addressLine3 | locations.address_line_3 | - | |
addressLine4 | locations.town | - | |
addressLine5 | locations.region | - | |
postCode | locations.uk_post_code_pt1 and locations.uk_post_code_pt2 | - | |
latitude | Null | - | |
longitude | Null | - | |
ApplicationLinkParameters | ApplicationLinkParametersLink | people_units.id | - |
name | 'uRL' | - | |
value | '/Page/ApplicationDetails?PeopleUnitId=' and people_units.id | - |

The field mappings for the Enquiries view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping | Engage field label |
Enquiries | smsEnquiryId | people_units.id | - |
type |
WHEN people_units.uio_id is set or people_units.unit_instance_code is set THEN 'COURSE' ELSE IF people_units.undefined_interest_code is empty then 'General' ELSE 'Undefined interest' and units.undefined_interest_code |
- | |
raisedDateTime | people_units.created_date | Enquiries > Date&Time | |
status | progress_types.description | Enquiries > Status | |
responseText | Null | - | |
responseDateTime | Null | - | |
methodOfContact | Null | - | |
description | notes.notes (first created) | Enquiries > Enquiry Description | |
EnquiryCourseLink | people_units.id | - | |
EnquiryLinkLink | people_units.id | - | |
EnquiryCourse | EnquiryCourseLink | people_units.id | - |
smsEnquiryCourseId | unit_instances.ui_id, unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - | |
smsCourseCode | unit_instances.fes_unit_instance_code | Enquiries > Course code | |
name | unit_instances.fes_short_description | - | |
description | unit_instance_occurrences.long_description, unit_instances.fes_long_description | - | |
topic | topics.fes_long_description, topics.fes_short_description, unit_instances.topic_topic_code | - | |
qualificationName | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, unit_instances.fes_qualification_type | Enquiries > Course title | |
EnquiryCourseLocationLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - | |
EnquiryCourseFeesLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - | |
EnquiryCourseLocations | EnquiryCourseLocationLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - |
smsStudyLocationId | locations.location_code | - | |
campusName | locations.fes_short_description | - | |
description | locations.fes_long_description | - | |
addressLine1 | locations.address_line_1 | - | |
addressLine2 | locations.address_line_2 | - | |
addressLine3 | locations.address_line_3 | - | |
addressLine4 | locations.town | - | |
addressLine5 | locations.region | - | |
postCode | locations.uk_post_code_pt1 and locations.uk_post_code_pt2 | - | |
latitude | Null | - | |
longitude | Null | - | |
EnquiryCourseFees | EnquiryCourseFeesLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - |
smsFeesId | fee_values.fee_value_number | - | |
code | fee_values.fee_type_code | - | |
description | fee_types.fes_long, fee_types.fes_short_description | - | |
value | fee_values.amount_payable | - | |
dueDateTime | Null | - | |
EnquiryLink | EnquiryLinkLink | people_units.id | - |
feature | 'Enquiry Details' | - | |
displayLabel | 'My Enquiry' | - | |
linkType | 'dynamicEdge' | - | |
resourceType | 'ONTRACK_LEARNER_URL' | - | |
EnquiryLinkParametersLink | people_units.id | - | |
EnquiryLinkParameters | EnquiryLinkParametersLink | people_units.id | - |
name | 'uRL' | - | |
value | '/Page/LearnerEnquiries' | - |

The field mappings for the Exams view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping | Engage field label |
Exams | smsExamsId | exam_entries.entry_number | - |
examName | exam_occurrences.exam_name | Exams > Exam Title | |
dateTime |
WHEN exam_entries.special_details = 'N' THEN exam_occurrences.exam_date ELSE exam_entries.spcl_exam_date, exam_occurrences.exam_date |
Exams > Date | |
startTime |
WHEN exam_entries.special_details = 'N' THEN exam_occurrences.exam_date and exam_occurrences.start_time ELSE exam_entries.spcl_exam_date, exam_occurrences.exam_date and exam_exam_entries.spcl_start_time, exam_occurrences.start_time |
Exams > Start time | |
endTime |
WHEN exam_entries.special_details = 'N' THEN exam_occurrences.exam_date and exam_occurrences.finish_time ELSE exam_entries.spcl_exam_date, exam_occurrences.exam_date and exam_entries.spcl_finish_time, exam_occurrences.finish_time |
Exams > End Time | |
examType | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, exam_details.exam_type | Exams > Exam Type | |
seat | Seat reference determined from room_layouts.no_of_rows, room_layout_seats.row_position and room_layout_seats.column_position | - | |
examMaterials | Null | - | |
specialAccessNeeds | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, exam_entries.spcl_reason | - | |
candidateNumber |
WHEN exam_boards.board_type = 'BTEC' THEN exam_entries.btec_reg_no WHEN exam_boards.board_type = 'GCE/GCSE' THEN first eight characters of people.gc_candidate_no WHEN exam_boards.board_type = 'CG' THEN people.cg_enrol_no WHEN exam_boards.board_type = 'NCFE' THEN first 30 characters of people.ncfe_candidate_no WHEN exam_boards.board_type = 'RSA' THEN people.rsa_number ELSE people.unspec_candidate_no |
- | |
awardingBody | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, exam_boards.board_type | - | |
firstMark |
WHEN board_occurrences.is_embargoed = 'N' THEN exam_entries.first_mark ELSE Null |
Exams > Exam Result | |
grade |
WHEN board_occurrences.is_embargoed = 'N' THEN exam_entries.first_grade ELSE Null |
- | |
dateTimeAchieved | exam_entries.certification_date | - | |
ExamParentLink | exam_entries.entry_number | - | |
ExamLocation | ExamParentLink | exam_entries.entry_number | - |
smsStudyLocationId | locations.location_code | - | |
room | rooms.room_code | - | |
campusName | locations.fes_short_description | Exams > Location Button | |
description | locations.fes_long_description | - | |
addressLine1 | locations.address_line_1 | - | |
addressLine2 | locations.address_line_2 | - | |
addressLine3 | locations.address_line_3 | - | |
addressLine4 | locations.town | - | |
addressLine5 | locations.region | - | |
postCode | locations.uk_post_code_pt1 and locations.uk_post_code_pt2 | - | |
latitude | Null | - | |
longitude | Null | - | |
ExamSupportNeedsRequirements | ExamParentLink | exam_entries.entry_number | - |
smsSupportNeedsId | exam_entries.spcl_reason | - | |
description | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description | Exams > Support Requirements |

The Prospectus All Data Sync workflow functionality was replaced in 4.31 by a link to the URL defined in the Prospect Landing Page URL institution setting (on the Engage screen).
The field mappings for the Prospectus view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping |
EdgeProspectusCourse | smsProspectusId | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id |
name | unit_instance_occurrences.long_description, unit_instances.fes_long_description, unit_instances.fes_short_description | |
type | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, unit_instances.ui_level | |
department | organisation_units.fes_full_name, organisation_units.fes_short_name, organisation_units.organisation_code | |
smsCourseCode | unit_instance_occurrences.fes_uins_instance_code | |
courseDescription | Null | |
prospectusDescription | unit_instance_occurrences.prosp_user_1, unit_instances.prosp_user_1 | |
qualificationType | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, unit_instances.fes_qualification_type | |
qualificationLevel | Null | |
startDateTime | unit_instance_occurrences.fes_start_date | |
duration | calendars.fes_long_description, calendars.fes_short_description, unit_instance_occurrences.calocc_calendar_type_code | |
entryRequirements | unit_instance_occurrences.prosp_user_2, unit_instances.prosp_user_2 | |
internationalEntryRequirements | Null | |
externalLink | 'www.tribalgroup.com' | |
CourseProspectusLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | |
EdgeProspectusStaff | CourseProspectusLink | people_uio.uio_id |
smsPersonIdentifier | external_identifiers.external_id | |
title | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, people.title | |
forename | people.forename | |
surname | people.surname | |
people.college_email, people.personal_email | ||
EdgeProspectusFees | CourseProspectusLink | fee_values.uio_id |
smsFeesId | fee_values.fee_value_number | |
feeType | fee_types.fes_long, fee_types.fes_short_description, fee_values.fee_type_code | |
feeDescription | Null | |
feeValue | fee_values.amount_payable | |
EdgeProspectusLocation | CourseProspectusLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id |
smsStudyLocationId | locations.location_code | |
campusName | locations.fes_short_description | |
description | locations.fes_long_description | |
addressLine1 | locations.address_line_1 | |
addressLine2 | locations.address_line_2 | |
addressLine3 | locations.address_line_3 | |
addressLine4 | locations.town | |
addressLine5 | locations.region | |
postCode | locations.uk_post_code_pt1 and locations.uk_post_code_pt2 | |
latitude | 0 | |
longitude | 0 | |
EdgeProspectusLinks | CourseProspectusLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id |
feature | 'Make Application' | |
displayLabel | 'Apply' | |
linkType | 'dynamicEdge' | |
resourceType | 'ONTRACK_LEARNER_URL' | |
CourseProspectusParametersLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio and 'APPLICATION' | |
CourseProspectusLinkParameters | CourseProspectusParametersLink | unit_instance_occurrences.uio and 'APPLICATION' |
name | 'url' | |
value | '/Page/CreateAppPersonalDetails?UIOIDs_InList=' and unit_instance_occurrences.uio' |

The field mappings for the Study Goals view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping |
StudyGoals | StudyGoalsLink | 0 |
smsTaskId | t_est_ilpselectedtarget.id, t_est_ilptarget.id | |
name | ‘Target’ | |
smsCourseId | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | |
courseName | unit_instance_occurrences.long_description, unit_instances.fes_long_description | |
description | t_est_ilpselectedtarget.customtarget, t_est_ilptarget.description | |
toBeMetByDateTime | t_est_ilpselectedtarget.metby | |
completedDateTime | t_est_ilpselectedtarget.met | |
StaffLink | t_est_ilpevalution.staffId or t_est_ilpselectedtarget.staffId | |
StudyGoalStaff | StaffLink | people.person_code |
smsPersonIdentifier | external_identifiers.external_id | |
title | verifiers.fes_short_description, verifiers.fes_long_description, people.title | |
forename | people.forename | |
surname | people.surname | |
Link | LinkLink | 1 |
StudyGoalsAndLink | StudyGoalsLink | 0 |
LinkLink | 0 |

The field mappings for the Study Routes view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping | Engage field label |
LearnerAttendance | AttendanceCoursesLink | people_units.person_code | - |
attendance | t_est_attendancebenchmark.type = 'attendance' (calculation based on register data) | Study Route > Attendance % Display | |
punctuality | t_est_attendancebenchmark.type = 'punctuality' (calculation based on register data) | Study Route > Punctuality % Display | |
attendanceKpi | t_est_attendance_benchmark.description | Study Route > Attendance % descriptor | |
punctualityKpi | t_est_attendance_benchmark.description | Study Route > Punctuality % description | |
LearnerCourses | AttendanceCoursesLink | people_units.person_code | - |
smsCourseId | people_units.uio_id | - | |
smsCourseCode | unit_instance_occurrences.fes_uins_instance_code | - | |
name | unit_instances.fes_short_description | Study Route > Study Route Title | |
description | unit_instance_occurrences.long_description, unit_instances.fes_long_description | - | |
tTStartDateTime | Null | - | |
qualificationName | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, verifiers.low_value, unit_instances.fes_qualification_type | - | |
balanceDueDateTime | Null | - | |
outstandingBalance | Calculated from ebs_fee_summary.outstanding and ebs_fee_summary.instalments | Course > Debt Due / Outstanding Fees | |
CourseGroupsLink | people_units.id | - | |
CourseStaffLink | people_units.id | - | |
CourseLocationLink | people_units.id | - | |
CourseHistoryLink | people_units.id | - | |
CourseLink | people_units.id | - | |
CourseGradeLink | people_units.id | - | |
LearnerCourseGroups | CourseGroupsLink | people_units.id | - |
smsGroupId | tutorgroups.id | - | |
name | tutorgroups.name | - | |
LearnerCoursesStaff | CourseStaffLink | people_units.id | - |
smsPersonIdentifier | external_identifiers.external_id | - | |
title | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, people.title | - | |
forename | people.forename | - | |
surname | people.surname | - | |
LearnerCoursesLocation | CourseLocationLink | people_units.id | - |
smsStudyLocationId | locations.location_code | - | |
campusName | locations.fes_short_description | - | |
description | locations.fes_long_description | - | |
addressLine1 | locations.address_line_1 | - | |
addressLine2 | locations.address_line_2 | - | |
addressLine3 | locations.address_line_3 | - | |
addressLine4 | locations.town | - | |
addressLine5 | locations.region | - | |
postCode | locations.uk_post_code_pt1 and locations.uk_post_code_pt2 | - | |
latitude | Null | - | |
longitude | Null | - | |
LearnerCoursesHistory | CourseHistoryLink | people_units.id | - |
predictedGradeOrder | grading_scheme_grades.internal_score for grade link to t_est_ilpevaluation.amg | - | |
workingToGradeOrder | grading_scheme_grades.internal_score for grade link to t_est_ilpevaluation.cpg | - | |
iLPSubmittedDateTime | t_est_ilpevaluation.isclosed | - | |
LearnerCoursesStructure | CourseLink | people_units.id | |
smsCourseStructureId | people_units.uio_id | - | |
componentName | unit_instance_occurrences.long_description | Course > Study Route Description | |
grade | attainments.grade | Course > Actual | |
predictedGradeCode | attainments.fes_predicted_grade | Course > Predicted | |
predictedGrade | grading_scheme_grades.description for grade linked to attainments.fes_predicted_grade | ||
workingToGradeCode | attainments.working_to_grade | Course > Working to | |
workingToGrade | grading_scheme_grades.description for grade linked to attainments.working_to_grade | - | |
targetGradeCode | attainments.target_grade | - | |
targetGrade | grading_scheme_grades.description for grade linked to attainments.target_grade | - | |
UCASPredictedGradeCode | attainments.external_predicted_grade | - | |
UCASPredictedGrade | grading_scheme_grades.description for grade linked to attainments.external_predicted_grade | - | |
CompetenciesLink | people_units.id | - | |
AssignmentsLink | people_units.id | - | |
LearnerCoursesStructureCompetencies | CompetenciesLink | people_units.id | - |
smsCompetenciesId | course_assessments_results.id | - | |
code | course_assessments.assessment_code | - | |
description | course_assessments.description | - | |
type | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description | - | |
result | course_assessments_results.result | - | |
dueDateTime | course_assessments_results.due_date, course_assessments.due_date | - | |
LearnerCoursesGrades | CourseGradeLink | people_units.id | Modules > Module title |
smsGradeId | Null | - | |
predictedGradeCode | attainments.fes_predicted_grade | Study Route > Predicted | |
predictedGrade | grading_scheme_grades.description for grade linked to attainments.fes_predicted_grade | - | |
workingToGradeCode | attainments.working_to_grade | Study Route > Working to | |
workingToGrade | grading_scheme_grades.description for grade linked to attainments.working_to_grade | - | |
UCASPredictedGradeCode | attainments.external_predicted_grade | - | |
UCASPredictedGrade | grading_scheme_grades.description for grade linked to attainments.external_predicted_grade | - | |
actualGradeCode | attainments.grade | Study Route > Actual | |
actualGrade | grading_scheme_grades.description for grade linked to attainments.grade | - | |
isPositive |
WHEN attainments.grade > attainments.fes_predicted_grade THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' |
Study Route > Star icon | |
CourseGradingSchemeLink | people_units.id | - | |
LearnerCoursesGradesGradingSchemes | CourseGradingSchemeLink | people_units.id | - |
grade | grading_scheme_grades.description | - | |
gradeCode | grading_scheme_grades.grade | - | |
order | grading_scheme_grades.internal_score | - | |
LearnerCoursesStructureAssignments | AssignmentsLink | people_units.id | - |
smsAssignmentsId | marking_rule_properties.id WHERE property_name = 'AssignmentId' based on course_assessment_results | - | |
code | marking_rule_properties.property_value | - | |
description | marking_rules.description | - | |
dueDateTime | marking_rule_properties.property_value. 'YYYY-MM-DD' | - | |
type | Null | - | |
result | Null | - | |
AssignmentsCompetenciesLink | people_units.id, marking_rule_properties.id | - | |
LearnerCoursesStructureAssignmentsCompetencies | AssignmentsCompetenciesLink | people_units.id, marking_rule_properties.id | - |
smsCompetenciesId | course_assessments_results.id | - | |
code | course_assessments.assessment_code | - | |
description | course_assessments.description | - | |
result | course_assessments_results.result | - | |
type | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description | - | |
dueDateTime | course_assessments_results.due_date, course_assessments.due_date | - |

The field mappings for the Third Party Links view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping | Engage field label |
ThirdPartyLinks | displayLabel | verifier_properties.property_value for domain THIRD_PARTY_LINK | Welcome > My College (1st Link sent) |
URL | verifiers.fes_long_description | - |

The field mappings for the Timetables view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping | Engage field label |
Timetables | TimetablesLink | 0 | - |
smsTimetableId | register_events.id | - | |
eventName | register_events.event_code | Class > Class title | |
eventType | event_types.long_description, event_types.short_description, event_types.event_type | Class > Event Type | |
eventDescription | register_events.description | Class > Event Description | |
startDateTime | register_event_details_slots.planned_start_date | Class > Time | |
endDateTime | register_event_details_slots.planned_end_date | Class > Time | |
dayOfWeek | register_event_details_slots.planned_start_date, 'Day' | - | |
TimetableCoursesLink | register_event_details_slots.register_event_slot_id | - | |
TimetableLocationLink | register_event_details_slots.register_event_slot_id | - | |
TimetableStaffLink | register_event_details_slots.register_event_slot_id | - | |
notes | Null | - | |
TimetableCourses | TimetableCoursesLink | register_event_details_slots.register_event_slot_id | - |
smsCourseId | unit_instance_occurrences.uio_id | - | |
smsCourseCode | unit_instance_occurrences.fes_uins_instance_code | Class > Course Code | |
courseName | unit_instance_occurrences.long_description, unit_instances.fes_long_description | - | |
courseOccurrence | unit_instance_occurrences.calocc_occurrence_code | - | |
TimetableLocation | TimetableLocationLink | register_event_details_slots.register_event_slot_id | Class > Location Button |
smsRoomId | rooms.id | - | |
name | rooms.long_description, rooms.short_description, rooms.room_code | Class > Classroom | |
smsStudyLocationId | locations.location_code | - | |
campusName | locations.fes_short_description | - | |
description | locations.fes_long_description | Class > Title.Campus | |
addressLine1 | locations.address_line_1 | Class > Addressline1 | |
addressLine2 | locations.address_line_2 | Class > Addressline2 | |
addressLine3 | locations.address_line_3 | Class > Addressline3 | |
addressLine4 | locations.town | Class > Addressline4 | |
addressLine5 | locations.region | Class > Addressline5 | |
postCode | locations.uk_post_code_pt1 and locations.uk_post_code_pt2 |
and |
latitude | Null | - | |
longitude | Null | - | |
TimetableStaff | TimetableStaffLink | register_event_details_slots.register_event_slot_id | - |
smsPersonIdentifer | external_identifiers.external_id | - | |
title | verifiers.fes_long_description, verifiers.fes_short_description, people.title | - | |
forename | people.forename | Class > Initial Display | |
surname | people.surname | Class > Initial Display | |
Header | timetableDaysReceived | web_config.parameter_value, '0' for institution setting NOTIFY_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_DAYS | - |
TimetablesLink | 0 | - |

The field mappings for the Application Groups are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping |
WamApplicationsGroupsNightly | groupcode | organisation_units.organisation_code - calendar_occurrences.occurrence_code (if linked to a calendar occurrence) |
groupname | organisation_units.fes_full_name, organisation_units.fes_short_name -calendar_occurrences.occurrence_code (if linked to a calendar occurrence) | |
password | organisation_units.organisation_code, 'general' | |
deleted | 0 |

The field mappings for the Application Group Memberships view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping |
WamApplicationGroupMemberships | username | external_identifiers.external_id |
groupcode |
organisation_units.organisation_code, 'GENERAL' and CASE WHEN calendar_occurrences.occurrence_code is Null THEN'' ELSE '-'and calendar_occurrences.occurrence_code |
admin | people.person_code |

The field mappings for the Course Group Memberships view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping | Engage field label |
WamCourseGroupsNightly | groupcode | unit_instance_occurrences.course_occurrence_code | - |
groupname | unit_instance_occurrences.long_description, unit_instances.fes_unit_instance_code + unit_instance_occurrences.calocc_occurrence_code | - | |
password | unit_instance.fes_unit_instance_code | ||
deleted |
When unit_instance_occurrences.fes_end_date + 365 days is greater than or equal than today's date, then 0 Else 1 |

The field mappings for the Tutor Groups view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping | Engage field label |
WamTutorGroupsNightly | groupcode | unit_instance_occurrences.course_occurrence_code + tut.name | - |
groupname | unit_instance_occurences.long_description, unit_instance.fes_unit_instance_code - unit_instance_occurrences.calocc_occurrence_code (tutorgroups.name) | Groups > Group name | |
password | unit_instance.fes_unit_instance_code | - | |
deleted |
When unit_instance_occurrences.fes_end_date + 365 days is greater than or equal than today's date, then 0 Else 1 |
- |

The field mappings for the Learners view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping | Engage field label |
WamUserLearnersNightly | username | external_identifiers.external_id | Welcome > Username |
firstname | people.known_as, people.preferred_first_name, people.forename, people.surname | Welcome > First Name | |
lastname | people.surname | Welcome > Surname | |
displayname |
people.known_as, people.preferred_first_name, people.forename, people.surname Then people.surname |
Welcome > Display name | |
emailaddress | people.college_email, people.personal_email | Welcome > Email address | |
role | 'user' | - | |
blocked |
Indicates if a user is active (0) or blocked (1). Active if any of the following is true:
Otherwise blocked. |
- |

The field mappings for the Staff view are described in the following table.
Level | Edge attribute | ebs field mapping |
WamUserStaffNightly | username | external_identifiers.external_id |
firstname | people.known_as, people.preferred_first_name, people.forename, people.surname | |
lastname | people.surname | |
displayname |
people.known_as, people.preferred_first_name, people.forename, people.surname Then people.surname |
emailaddress | people.college_email, people.personal_email | |
role |
When has Edge Administrator role Then 'admin' Else 'staff' |
blocked |
Indicates if a user is active (0) or blocked (1): When active, then 0 Else 1 |